How do you feel about social media?

How do you feel about social media?

Social media is the way of our world today.  We remember that chatting to friends meant we had to go to their doors, we went out on bikes or walked and talked for as long as we were allowed. Today our young people can have all of this interaction without ever leaving...
Loss of Connection, are we expecting too much?

Loss of Connection, are we expecting too much?

Losing a sense of connection   Isn’t it funny, when you are expecting there are lots of people available to give advice, from family, friends and even from magazines, media. They tell you how to bond, bathe, even how to socialise them. We hope that the...


a Recognising that we may be a little more on the stressed side this week with Scotland’s schools returning is really important. It can help us to regulate ourselves and, in turn, regulate our teens and tweens. This week’s announcements of how schools will...
Routine, In or out?

Routine, In or out?

So we are at that stage of the summer holiday where we are thinking of the routine of school again. How out of whack is your routine this summer? I know I always allow our routine to go right out the window during holidays. Whether it be with bedtime, meal-times and...