Does Fake news harm children’s self esteem & trust?
The good thing that comes from this BBC article that says fake news harms children's self esteem & trust, is the awareness of how important it is to teach our young people critical thinking skills which is basically to be curious about the world around them and...
Why 14 is the riskiest age for a teenager
This very interesting article talking about research carried out on teenage risk taking. • whilst more prone to risk taking they’re much less likely when on their own • 14 is the riskiest age • teens are more prone to embarrassment • they’re less likely to learn from...
New Guidance for Young People on Indecent Images online
New Guidance for Young People on Indecent Images online. A comprehensive blog from Jonny with important guidance that will help you have conversations with children and young people.…/06/18/indecent-images-of-children/
Why are many adults so quick to criticise teens?
Why are many adults so quick to criticise teens? A quick search of “teens are the worst” reveals 38 million results, the first of which is an article from The New Yorker. It’s true that teens can be difficult to teach or parent, but instead of demonizing them let’s...
Our kids are listening even when it seems they’re not
Let’s get real for a minute. We may love our teens and sometimes we may not like them very much. In fact, it can be downright difficult to live with someone who seems to be on a completely different page to you AND is hellbent on ignoring EVERYTHING you say. But...