

a Recognising that we may be a little more on the stressed side this week with Scotland's schools returning is really important. It can help us to regulate ourselves and, in turn, regulate our teens and tweens. This week's announcements of how schools will return has...

Routine, In or out?

Routine, In or out?

So we are at that stage of the summer holiday where we are thinking of the routine of school again. How out of whack is your routine this summer? I know I always allow our routine to go right out the window during holidays. Whether it be with bedtime, meal-times and...

Relationships don’t always work

There can be times when a family can break up for various reasons. This often is a challenging and emotionally raw time for those who were involved in the relationship. This can be even more of a challenge when there are children involved in the relationship. For us...

Is having different parenting styles tough for you?

Understanding parenting styles  According to Psychologists today there are 4 types of parenting styles: Authoritative parenting Authoritarian parenting  Permissive parenting  Uninvolved/Neglectful parenting.   We all have different ways of parenting and all use unique...

Discipline without the drama

Discipline without Drama This is perhaps a slightly more scientific look at how we can parent (rather than purely opinion) so that it's easier to make informed decisions about how you want to parent, ideally without the drama -...